Dresses from Shabby Apple

'Look at Me' Party!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Welcome to the PaRtY!!!

Rules (if you want to call 'em that)
Link up any creative post and link up to the post (NOT your main blog URL). Snag a button and get the word out about 'Look at me, I'm so Crafty!' at Fun to Craft by putting it in your post or on the side of your blog. That way people know where you are partying!

Just for fun, be sure to visit some of the other blogs that link up. You will always find new crafty blogs and some AWESOME ideas!!

Thanks for linking up! I can't wait to see what inspiration is out there!

Oh, and if the linky isn't working...like they don't sometimes....just email me your link (funtocraft@gmail.com) and I will add it for you. Seriously, it always works for me.


the cape on the corner October 28, 2010 at 9:33 PM  

have a great weekend! thanks so much for hosting, and happy halloween!!


CraftyMummy October 28, 2010 at 10:11 PM  

Thanks for hosting again, Stacey!

Leanne October 28, 2010 at 11:04 PM  

Thanks for hosting! Happy Halloween!

Farah October 29, 2010 at 12:56 AM  

Hi Stacy, Its something great to participate in linky parties, I tried many times to submit my post but I think there is some problem... I will try later

Ami Allison October 29, 2010 at 1:50 AM  

Thanks for hosting! Have an awesome Halloween!! :)

RenĂ©e October 29, 2010 at 6:42 AM  

Thanks so much for having all of us over. May you also enjoy a fabulous Halloween!

Handy Man, Crafty Woman October 29, 2010 at 11:00 AM  

Just found your blog, love it! thanks for hosting the link party.

Anonymous,  October 30, 2010 at 8:49 PM  

I recently found your blog, I like it very much. That is a wonderful! We own a Wall Mirrors ecommerce site and are always looking for great content to share and help inspire. Thanks.

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I love comments! I read every one and look forward to them. Please leave me a comment or a link to check out your fun craft ideas too! I love finding new blogs to be inspired from! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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