Saturday, October 31, 2009
I feel like I should give a speech or something. Seriously. It almost feels like what I can only imagine it would be like as a celebrity to win an award on one of those award shows. I am deeply honored. I always call my hubby and my mom to tell them all about who featured me. Thanks again. I am TRULY flattered beyond words!! (By the way, if you do feature an idea from Fun to Craft, please email me at funtocraft at gmail dot com so I can give a shout out to you and thank you personally!!)
Fun to Craft has been featured by the following amazing bloggers:

Jamee Homemaker

Blue Cricket Design
Netta Cow
Three times:

Jamee Homemaker
Blue Cricket Design
Netta Cow

Good for you! You make the cutest stuff, I loved those LOVE blocks! How to photograph your creations? That's my problem, they always look much better in person and I always hesitate putting stuff on my blog. Do you have a nicer camera or a special setting for indoor?
I am so not surprised you are being featured. You are amazing! I've told you before and I'm telling you again, I wish I had even just some of your great talent. :) Congrats!
I mainly just try to use as much natural light from outside as possible, which sometimes means I have to wait until the late afternoon when I can get the most sun in through my back door. This helps what you are doing no matter what kind of camera you have. A little photo editing never hurts either ;) Hope that helps!
Makes total sense...my apartment gets most of its light in the mornings...when I am not home. I've started turning on all the lights in my house and pointing them one direction! And yeah, photo editing would help (if you are not lazy like me!)
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