OBG {Sunday Bag}
Monday, April 26, 2010
Have you seen my latest sponsor Adorabelle Couture? She has the most darling pettiskirts I have seen. A girl could feel like a real princess in one of those. Oh, and that black polka dot one, you just have to see it for yourself. Go check them out here.
Also, head here to enter in the My Bella Baby Giveaway.
One thing I can't stand is to be late for things. It is a pet peeve of mine. Especially if people are waiting for me, it makes me feel like I am saying their time is not as important as mine. Which I definitely don't believe so yeah, being late just bugs me. I have noticed with two kiddos....it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to get places early like I like. And sometimes, even on time. I feel like my brain especially lately is just frazzled. Maybe after this first move, my life will return to 'normal' whatever that really means.
One thing that helps me speed things along is having a bag prepacked. You know the drill, toys, snacks, diapers/wipes, whatever might help avoid a meltdown in public. Those kinds of things. I also have a bag that I keep solely for Sundays. We go to church and need something to help entertain the kiddos while we are there. It is full of toys, books, treats, etc that are set aside just to be played with on Sundays at church. It has been a lifesaver. It is so nice to have the bag already ready to go....especially when we are running late, which seems to be every week these days. Going at 11:30 is just killing me. Two meals before church is just too much along with getting everyone ready. But anyway, the bag is saving me.

what a fantastic bag!! loove me some pockets!! lol
Love love love them! I couldn't agree more about a packed bag. I am so like you...I like to be ontime if not early. With the 3 boys it is SO hard. So hard. I had a bad dream last night where I was frazzled and just couldn't keep anything straight. Is that a sign for what I have turned into? It was crazy. And I am still upset by it. I need to be better at having more then just my sunday bag packed. Thanks for the modivation. (love your fabrics too!)
Ah, pre-packed! Great idea. My sister was in our ward this week to help me with a musical number, and while we were sitting there on our bench she asked where the baby toys were to entertain the baby. Uh... dang! No toys! Where are the snacks? Did the bag of cheerios even make it into the bag? No.
I need to follow your example and have a Sunday bag. But, the secret is out. I'm not a good church-entertaining mommy!
I need a special sunday bag too! My husband is in the bishopric so I am lucky enough to entertain my two kiddos under 2 years old on Sundays! These bags are lifesavers.
This is too cute! I love the new blog too its so fun!!
Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!
I'm a fan of bags and purses of all kinds. These are just awesome!
I have an award for you on my blog:
LOVE it! Wish I could whip something up so quick and cute!
Do you have a tutorial for this bag? I desperately need one. Or 2. :)
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